Phones at weddings A couple of weeks ago, due to an unfortunate move, I was forced to replace my old phone with a new one. I take a lot of photos with my mobile, so the larger storage space and the state-of-the-art built-in camera comes in handy. Not one, but three! Nowadays, I only bring my professional gear to work, I don’t even make travel with it anymore, less luggage, less weight, less stress. Phones are being equipped with better and better cameras year after year have made the photography experience available to everyone. I could put it this way: by now, in a sense, everyone is a photographer. As in professional forums, in the same way when organizing a wedding, the topic comes up: guests with a camera on wedding day. Some professionals often compain that important events like ceremony, first dance, cake cutting, were ruined by the guests with a phone. I honestly never understood such outbursts. If it bothers you, it should be resolved. After all, that’s why the couples hire us, professionals. At ideal circumstances, an avid amateur can meet expectations, taking nice photos. But when it’s not the case, a little creativity and extra movement can do magic. The difference is a few seconds and steps between the two photos. The phone version won a Reportage award. I don’t think we can restrict guests from creating their own memories. It is my job to get around or even take advantage of a situation like that. During planning, the you may opt for an unplugged ceremony. This is especially recommended if you don’t want hundreds of congratulations on a social media post in the morning because a guest has tagged you. Not to mention that it devalues the professional highlights that may come out later. When asked how I relate to phones at weddings, I can’t express how happy I am with it. Now that there is a gadget in almost everyone’s pocket capable to take amazingly high quality pictures with a single touch, it sheds light on the misconception that a good photo requires only a good camera and the better the camera is the better the photo. At the end of the day my work is getting more and more appreciated.